The following publication is available:
A new section presenting the RP Events has been created in RP Library.
Following a request from some ISOE members wishing to share radiation protection events during training sessions, ETC has extracted a list of RP Events from various documents available on the site (Presentations during Management Board, Symposium Proceedings, ISOE Annual Reports, OpEx Reports), for the period 2000-2020.
RP Events are presented in a table providing a short description of the event and where it occurred (Country, Plant). It is possible to directly open from this page the associated reference document using the appropriate link.
In addition, a first attempt of RP Events description specifying Causes, Consequences, Corrective actions are also given in an Excel file.
An upgrade of the ISOE Network website will be done from February 24 until March 15, 2021.
During this period, no modifications of the contents of the website will be possible.
However, it will still be possible to navigate on the website to view or download any documents, to access the ISOE Database and to consult the RP Forum.
Please note that the RP forum will be read-only during this period of time. If you would like to post new question, please contact ETC ( who will send out your request of information by Email to all registered users.
We apologize for the inconvenience and will be back online as soon as possible!
The following publications are available:
NATC Information Sheet:
The ISOE European Technical Centre (CEPN) is conducting a survey on the precautionary measures implemented by the nuclear utilities to reduce the risk of transmission of the Covid-19 coronavirus and their impact on radiation protection management and practices.
You will find the answers on folder RP Library > Covid-19 Survey .
Please note that the answers are made available on the restricted area of the ISOE website according to the usual rules, i.e. available for all ISOE Members (Utilities and Authorities) or for Utilities only according to the decision of each responder.
If you would like to contribute, please Download the questionnaire and send the document to the following address:
20-24 July 2020
Chattanoga, USA
Organised by the North-American Technical Centre (NATC)
Contact: David MILLER
The following publications are available:
Two new publications are available:
11-13 March 2019
CEA Marcoule, France
The following documents have been posted
pdf ETC Information Sheet No. 61 (470 KB) (Public distribution)
folder Detailed answers (ISOE Members only)