Documents presented during the following ISOE Meetings have been posted
folder Joint Topical Session on Refurbishment and Plant Life Extension activities, Nov. 8, 2017 (Public distribution)
folder ISOE Management Board, Nov. 9-10, 2017 (ISOE Members only)
folder Working Group on Data Analysis (WGDA), Nov. 7, 2017 (ISOE Members only)
The Youth Club of the French Society for Radiation Protection (SFRP) and the Rising Generation Group of United Kingdom Society for Radiation Protection (SRP) have elaborated a survey intended for the young generation in radiation protection.
The objective is to get a picture of the young radiation protection generation as of today: where it comes from, where it is today and what does it wish for tomorrow?
The survey is dedicated to the “young” radiation protection professional and scientists, i.e. less than 35 years old (or less than 10 years of work in radiation protection).
It is online at the following link.
N.B. Survey will be closed 31 December 2017 and the results made available on the SFRP and SFR websites.
For any information, please contact Sylvain Andresz:
Two new publications are now available:
9-11 January 2017
Fort Lauderdale, USA
Organised by the North-American Technical Centre (NATC)
Contacts: David MILLER or Amy MOELLER