Published on 10 July 2018 By CEPN 1886 downloads
Preliminary Design of the RPVs and Internals Dismantling of the Trino and Caorso NPPs. Effective Dose OptimizationE. Amoroso, M. Caldarella, F. Mancini, R. Botti, D. Annunziata, SOGIN, Italy2018 ISOE European Symposium (Uppsala, Sweden)
Published on 18 July 2022 Modified on 18 July 2022 By CEPN 566 downloads
Decommissioning project, management and planning aspects for the decommissioning of Research Reactor Ispra1E. Amoroso, D. Manes, S. Ravera, K. Harralabos, P. Capoferro, E. Grossi, SOGIN, Italy2022 ISOE International Symposium (Tours, France)
Published on 10 July 2018 By CEPN 1325 downloads
Simulation of the Occupational Radiation Dose caused by Contamination of Primary Circuit Media in Pressurized Water Reactors in overall Maintenance and Refuelling Inspections and Decommissioning WorkS. Schneider, A. Artmann, G. Bruhn, GRS, Germany2018 ISOE European Symposium (Uppsala, Sweden)