Welcome to the ISOE Website

The Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) was created in 1992 to provide a forum for radiation protection professionals from nuclear electricity licensees and national regulatory authorities worldwide to share dose reduction information, operational experience and information to improve the optimisation of radiological protection at nuclear power plants.

ISOE is jointly sponsored by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Latest news

  • Don't forget to login in order to access to restricted documents and resources
ISOE Joint Secretariat
OECD - NEA OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)
Division of Radiological Protection and Human Aspects of Nuclear Safety (RP-HANS)
46 quai Alphonse le Gallo
92100 Boulogne Billancourt
Phone: +33 1 7321 2944
Email: isoe.secretariat@oecd-nea.org; Ye.ZHANG@oecd-nea.org
NEA Website
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Division of Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety
P.O. Box 100
1400 Vienna (Austria)
Mr. Jizeng MA
Phone: +43 1 2600 26173
Email: J.Ma@iaea.org
IAEA Website
ISOE Technical Centres
ATC Asian Technical Centre (ATC)
Nuclear Safety Research Association (NSRA)
5-18-1, Minato-ku, Shimbashi
Tokyo 105-0004
Dr. Mitsuaki YOSHIDA
Phone: +81 50-9001-2811
Email: isoeatc@nsra.or.jp; yoshidam@nsra.or.jp
ATC Website
ETC European Technical Centre (ETC)
Centre d'étude sur l'Evaluation de la Protection
dans le domaine Nucléaire (CEPN)
28 rue de la Redoute
92260 Fontenay-aux-Roses
Mrs. Caroline SCHIEBER
Phone: +33 1 5552 1939
Email: caroline.schieber@cepn.asso.fr
IAEA IAEA Technical Centre (IAEA TC)
International Atomic Energy Agency
Division of Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety
P.O. Box 100
1400 Vienna
Mr. Jizeng MA
Phone: +43 1 2600 26173
Email: J.Ma@iaea.org
IAEA Website
NATC North American Technical Centre (NATC)
University of Illinois
Faculty Office 100B
216 Talbot Laboratory, MC-234
104 South Wright Street
Urbana, Illinois 62801-2983
Mr. David MILLER
Phone: +1 217 855 3238
Email: dmiller@illinois.edu

ISOE Bureau, as of December 5th, 2024

Chairman of the ISOE System
EPZ - Borssele NPP
Phone: +31 113 35 61 36
Email:  j.meijer@epz.nl
Chairman elected
Toshikazu SUZUKI
Phone: +81
Email:  toshikazu.suzuki@tepco.co.jp
Email:  toshikazu.suzuki@gmail.com
Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA)
Phone: +81 3 5114 2224
Email: suzuki_akiko_vc5@nra.go.jp

ISOE Strategic Programme Plan Archives

  pdf 2016-2019 (335 KB)  

In accordance with the provisions of the French Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, the identity of the various parties involved in its implementation and monitoring is specified to users of the site https://isoe-network.net/.

Edition of the site

The website is published by CEPN, a non-profit association (French law of 1901), whose head office is located at 28 rue de la Redoute, 92260 Fontenay-Aux-Roses, and whose declaration of creation was published in the Official Journal on 11/12/1976 (Publication No.: 19760106, Advertisement No.: 0140).

Responsible for publication

Director of CEPN


The website is hosted by CEPN association.

Address: 28 rue de la Redoute, 92260 Fontenay-Aux-Roses

The storage of Users' personal data is carried out exclusively on servers located in European Union Member States.

To contact us

By email: sec@cepn.asso.fr

CNIL (French National Information Science and Liberties Commission)

In accordance with the provisions of French Law 78-17 of January 6, 1978, as amended, the User has the right to access, modify and delete information collected by CEPN. To exercise this right, it will be up to the User to send a message to the following address: sec@cepn.asso.fr

Previous Technical Cooperation Agreement (TCA)

NEI NEI - Nuclear Energy Institute

  pdf TCA with NEI (99 KB)
 (Nov. 18, 2014 - Nov. 18, 2019)
ENRESA - Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos S.A.

  pdf TCA with ENRESA (466 KB)
 (May 29, 2015 - May 29, 2020)
ORAU ORAU - Oak Ridge Associated Universities

  pdf TCA with ORAU (64 KB)
 (Jan. 10, 2017 - Jan. 10, 2022)
SBPR - Sociedade Brasileira de Proteção Radiologica

  pdf TCA with SBPR (411 KB)
 (Dec. 1, 2016 - Dec. 1, 2021)

The Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) was created in 1992 to provide a forum for radiological protection professionals from nuclear electricity licensees and national regulatory authorities worldwide to discuss, promote and co‑ordinate international co-operative undertakings for the radiological protection of workers at nuclear power plants.

The objective of the ISOE is to improve the management of occupational exposure at nuclear power plants by exchanging broad and regularly updated information, data and experience on methods to optimise occupational radiological protection.

ISOE is jointly sponsored by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Download the  pdf ISOE Brochure (1.19 MB)

A general presentation of the ISOE System is available to be used by the members to present and promote ISOE Programme.

Download the ISOE General Presentation

ISOE Members

Membership in ISOE includes representatives from nuclear electricity licensees and national regulatory authorities.
As of December 2023, there are 77 nuclear licensees in 31 countries, as well as 27 regulatory authorities of 25 countries participating to the system.

ISOE Structure

The ISOE operates in a decentralised manner. Decisions and overall direction are provided by the ISOE Management Board, composed of representatives from nuclear licensees and regulatory authorities from all participating countries. The ISOE Bureau, elected by the Management Board, guides ISOE and Secretariat work between Management Board meetings. Both are supported by the joint NEA/IAEA Secretariat.

Four ISOE Technical centres (Asia, Europe, IAEA and North America) serve the programme’s day-to-day technical operations and are contact points for the transfer of information from and to participant countries.

A National co-ordinator in each country provides a link between ISOE participants and the ISOE programme.

Specialised working groups, mandated by the Management Board, are created on an as-needed basis to support the goals of the ISOE on specific topics.

ISOE Products and benefits

The ISOE is the world’s most comprehensive source of experience and information for occupational exposure management at nuclear power plants, and offers its members a variety of resources.

    A global network of radiological protection professionals from nuclear electricity licensees and national regulatory authorities.
    The world’s largest database on occupational exposure from nuclear power plants. The NEA provides IT support to further develop and maintain an internet‑based system for the ISOE.
    Access to the ISOE database, products, resources and online user fora.
    Detailed studies and analyses on current issues in operational radiological protection and dose trends.
    Annual ISOE reports, Annual country reports, Topical reports
    Regional and international ALARA symposia organised yearly by Technical centres,
    Radiological protection manager meetings,
    Regulatory body representative meetings.
    Bencharking visits allow ISOE members to share their experience and good radiological protection practices.


Members of ISOE are representatives from nuclear electricity licensees or authorities. The participation to the ISOE System is based on the acceptation of the ISOE Terms and Conditions.

ISOE Terms and Conditions

At its 33rd Annual Meeting (December 2023), the ISOE Management Board re-approved the ISOE Terms and Conditions for an additional four-year period, ending 31 December 2027, for which the main text and appendices have been updated to better reflect operational and organisational practices within ISOE.

The following document provides the ISOE Terms and Conditions and the list of participating nuclear licensees and authorities as of December 2023:   pdf ISOE Terms and Conditions (2024-2027) (774 KB)

To join the system

Please fulfill and return the following form if your organisation does not appear in the ISOE Members list:

Technical Centres Affiliation

Each country is affiliated to a Technical Centre:

Asian Technical Centre


Korea, Republic of

European Technical Centre











Slovak Republic





United Kingdom

IAEA Technical Centre







Russian Federation

South Africa


United Arab Emirates

North American Technical Centre



United States

If you are interested by a Technical Cooperatoin with ISOE ( pdf TCA Template (103 KB) ), please contact the ISOE Secretariat.

Framework for Cooperation

UNSCEAR UNSCEAR - United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation

pdf Cooperation with UNSCEAR (297 KB)

Technical Cooperation Agreement (TCA)

See Previous TCAs

ICRP Special Liaison Organisation Status

ICRP ICRP - International Commission on Radiological Protection


International Organisations

Networks / Associations

Information on Radiological Events and Good Practices

Occupational Exposure Databases

National Databases

European Commission

    • ESOREX (European Platform for Occupational Radiation Exposure) - data on occupational radiation exposure in all activity fileds and sectors.

Effluent Databases


    • DIRATA - Database on Discharges of Radionuclides to the Atmosphere and the Aquatic Environment

European Commission

    • REM database - Online access to the REM data base which stores measurements of radioactivity made in Europe in air, soils, water and foodstuff from 1984 onward
    • EURDEP (EUropean Radiological Data Exchange Platform) - Access to daily unvalidated radiological data collected by monitoring stations in Europe

National Databases

Other Databases

Next ISOE meetings

  • WGDECOM, 16th meeting
    9-10 April 2025, Teleconference meeting
  • WGDECOM, Benchmarking meeting
    September 2025, Beijing, China (TBC)
  • 35th ISOE Management Board
    8-12 December 2025 (IAEA, Austria)
  • ISOE Bureau meeting
    14 May 2025, Teleconference meeting
    December 2025 (IAEA, Austria)

Upcoming Events

2025 ISOE International Symposium
22-24 October 2025, Weihai, China

2026 ISOE North-American Symposium
13-15 January 2026, Clearwater, USA

2026 ISOE International Symposium
June 2026, Helsinki, Finland